We are happy to have the option for patients to use pre-check-in to their appointments. Patients will receive a link 5 days and 2 days prior to their appointment. Patients will need to complete the pre-check-in process completely or their appointment will be rescheduled.
This process was developed to limit the time spent on patient form completion and to make the pre-check-in process at the convenience of the patients.
The pre-check-in will take between 20 minutes and an hour. The questions asked relate directly to the visit type and the health plans. Answering the questions honestly help the Providers to best treat you as a patient. Please set time aside to make sure you do not rush through the process.
If you do not have a cell phone or a way to complete the pre-check-in process, you will need to contact 951-695-4688 Ext. 205 at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment time, otherwise the appointment will be cancelled.
The pre-check-in process should send your cell phone a link. If you do not receive it 5 days or 2 days before your appointment, please scan the appropriate location QR code to complete yourself check-in process.
Monday – Thursday: 8am To 5pm
Friday: 8am To 2pm
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